Final Frontier Design is a high tech design company working with advanced concepts in space suit technology.
Founded by Ted Southern and Nikolay Moissev, FFD specializes in high performance pressurized gloves and IVA pressure safety garments for the commercial space industry.
Working as the Technical Materials Expert and Consultant, I contributed to the research, development and sourcing of aerospace materials and vendors for FFD's multiple NASA SBIR contracts involving radiation protection for deep space travel as well as joint mobility. Research included testing (ASTM, NAS) standards, hardware and element sourcing, study of relevant NASA technical briefs, presentation of material advancements in the aerospace and protective field, and sourcing commercial partners.
Gen 2 outergarment for the 3G Mark III suit
TMG Section-Taped aluminized mylar construction with integrated "Radiation Flexible Protection" coating
Range of motion testing